The Best Of


Auteur(s)UB40 (Chant)

Titre(s)The Best Of / UB 40.

Editeur(s)Virgin Records, 1987.

ContientFood for thougt. - King. - My way of thinking. - The earth dies screaming. - Dream a lie. - Don't let it pass you by. - Don't slow down. - I in 10. - Red red wine. - Please don't make my cry. - Many rivers to cross. - Cherry oh baby. - If i happens again. - I got you babe. - Don't break my heart. - Sing our own song. - Rat in mi kitchen. - Maybe tomorrow.

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
Slide à la main possible dans le tableau
AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque2 UB4en rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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