Cold fact



Titre(s)Cold fact [CD] ; Coming from reality / Rodriguez.

Editeur(s)Paris : Play It Again Sam, 2013.

ContientSugar man. - Only good for conversation. - Crucify your mind. - This is not a song, it's an outburst : or, the establishment blues. - Hate street dialogue. - Forget it. - Inner city blues. - I wonder. - Like Janis. - Gommorah. - Rich folks hoax. - Jane S. Piddy. - Climb up on my music. - A most disgusting song. - I think of you. - Heikki's suburbia bus tour. - Silver words?. - Sandrevan lullaby ; Lifestyles. - To whom it may concern. - It started out so nice. - Halfway up the stairs. - Cause. - Can't get away. - Street boy. - I'll slip away.

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