Mr. Paganini


Auteur(s)Fitzgerald, Ella (1918-1996) (Chant)

Titre(s)Mr. Paganini / Ella Fitzgerald.

Editeur(s)Dreyfus Jazz, 2002.

Collection(s)(Jazz reference).

ContientCan Anyone Explain. - Would You Like To Take A Walk?. - Who Walks In When I Walk Out ?. - Someone To Waych Over Me. - But Not For Me. - I've Got The World On A String. - Smooth Sailin. - How Long Has This Been Going On?. - Necessary Evil. - Oops. - Love You Madly. - Ain't Nobody's Business But My Own. - There's A Small Hotel. - Ool-Ya-Koo. - Mr Paganini. - Robbin's Nest. - Thou Swell. - Flyin'Home. - In A Mellotone. - Almost Like Being In Love. - Lover Man. - How High The Moon.

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