Las Vegas Show


Auteur(s)Jones, Tom (Chant)

Titre(s)Las Vegas Show / Tom Jones.

Editeur(s)Nocturne, 1999.

ContientCD1. - In the midnight hour. - Love me tonight. - save the last dance for me. - I can't stop loving you. - She's a lady. - I can see clearly now. - Unchained melody. - Oh! pretty woman. - Daughter of darkness. - Delilah. - Green green grass of home. - Proud Mary. - What's new pussy cat ?. - Can't buy me love. - CD2. - Endless love. - Guilty. - Takin'it to the streets. - Again. - Upside down. - The way you do the things you do. - Hot legs. - Too much too little too late. - Night on Broadway. - Whenever i call you friend. - Don't let go. - Little queenie. - Back in the U.S.A.

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque2.9 JONen rayon


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