

Auteur(s)Bowie, David (1947-2016) (Chant)

Titre(s)Outside / David Bowie.

Editeur(s)ISO Records, 2004.

ContientCD1. - Leon takes us outside. - Outside. - The hearts filthy lesson. - A small plot of land. - Segue. - Allo spaceboy. - The motel. - I have not been to oxford towni. - No control. - Segue. - The voyeur of utter destruction. - Segue- I am with name. - wishful beginnigs. - We prick you. - Segue. - I'm deranged. - Thru' these architects eyes. - Segue. - Strangers when we meet. - CD2. - The hearts filthy lesson. - A small plot of land. - Hallo spaceboy. - I am with name. - I'm deranged. - Get real. - Nothing to be desired.

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque2.2 BOWen rayon


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