
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène


Auteur(s)Tosh, Peter ;Brown, Dennis ;Wilson, Delroy ;Marley, Bob (1945-1981) ;Demus, Chaka ;Pliers ;McKay, Freddie ;Mittoo, Jackie ;Andy, Horace ;Ranks, Shabba ;Lewis, Hopeton ;I Roy ;Isaacs, Gregory (1951-2010) ;McGregor, Freddie ;Boothe, Ken ;Holt, John ;Campbell, Cornell ;Osbourne, Johnny ;Dekker, Desmond ;Clarke, Johnny ;Dillinger ;Niney ;Ellis, Alton ;Man, Beenie ;Higgs, Joe ;Thompson, Linval ;Romeo, Max ;Edwards, Jackie ;Perry, Lee (1936-...) ;[The ]Wailers ;Toots And The Maytals ;Ethiopians (The) ;Skatalites (The) ;Melodians (The) ;Upsetters (The) ;Black Uhuru ;Maytones (The)

Titre(s)Reggae [CD] : vol.3.

Editeur(s)Paris : Warner Music, 2010.

ContientGet up stand up. - Black magic woman. - Dancing mood. - Kaya. - Pomp & pride. - Dangerous. - Picture on the wall. - Sky king jack. - Fever. - Pirate's anthem. - Train to skaville. - Funky kingston. - Lucky seven. - Rivers of babylon. - Iron belt. - Set the captive free. - Another heartache. - Sun is shining. - Pressure drop. - Dangerous. - Give me your love. - Red red wine. - Go now. - Burning sun (The). - Can i change my mind. - Keep on running. - Unity with dub. - Little girl come home. - Skatalites (The). - Earthquake. - 007. - Declaration of right. - Skylarking. - Idlers rest. - Israelites. - Cocaine in my brain. - Blood and fire. - Don't rock my boat. - Boat to zion. - What does it take. - I can't understand. - Sunshine for I. - In cold blood. - My baby still loves me. - Party time. - Going your way. - Ain't that loving. - I'm not a king. - That lucky old sun. - Stir it up. - Cool rockers.


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CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque1.6 REGen rayon


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