
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

Live in London

Auteur(s)Cohen, Léonard (1934-2016)

Titre(s)Live in London [CD] / Leonard Cohen.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2009.

ContientDance me to the end of love. - Future (The). - Ain't no cure for love. - Bird on the wire. - Everybody knows. - In my secret life. - Who by fire. - Hey, that's no way to say goodbye. - Anthem. - Introduction. - Tower of song. - Suzanne. - Gypsy's wife (The). - Bougie street. - Hallelujah. - Democracy. - I'm your man. - Recitation w-N.L. - Take this waltz. - So long, Marianne. - First we take Manhattan. - Sisters of mercy. - If it be your will. - Closing time. - I tried to leave you. - Whither thou goest.

Sujet(s)Variétés internationales

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque2.3 COHen rayon


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