
loire semene 300


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Wall (The)

Auteur(s)Pink Floyd

Titre(s)Wall (The) [CD] / Pink Floyd.

Editeur(s)Parlophone Music, 1994.

ContientIn the flesh ?. - Thin ice (The). - Another brick in the wall : partie 1. - Happiest days of our lives (The). - Another brick in the wall : partie 2. - Mother. - Goodbye blue sky. - Empty spaces. - Young lust. - One of my turns. - Don't leave me now. - Another brick in the wall : partie 3. - Goodbye cruel world. - Hey you. - Is there anybody out there ?. - Nobody home. - Vera. - Bring the boys back home. - Comfortably numb. - Show must go on (The). - In the flesh. - Run like hell. - Waiting for the worms. - Stop. - Trial (The). - Outside the wall.

Sujet(s)Rock progressif / psychédélique

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CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque2 PINen rayon


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