
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

American icon

Auteur(s)Cash, Johnny (1932-2003)

Titre(s)American icon / Johnny Cash.

Editeur(s)IMC music, cop. 2006.

ContientGet rhythm. - I walk the line. - Cry, cry, cry. - Folsom prison blues. - Home of the blues. - Hey porter. - Give my love to Rose. - Big river. - Rock Island line. - Guess things happen that way. - [The ]Ways of a woman in love. - There you go. - Ballad of a teenage queen. - Luther played the boogie. - Thanks a lot. - Don't make me go.

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Saint Didier en VelaySaint Just malmontprêt normal2 CAS 1réservé


Source : Wikipédia
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