
loire semene 300


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Yodeling songs of the Alps

Titre(s)Yodeling songs of the Alps : Switzerland, Germany & Austria.

Editeur(s)Legacy International, [s.d.].

Contient[] I miss my Swiss. - Down by the singing waterfall. - [] I'll bet you my heart I love you. - Lancashire yodeling lass. - Crooin' bachelor. - Rolling carts. - Evenin' time. - Shearer's jamboree. - Swiss moonlight lullaby. - Rockinover river. - [] I am a yodeling girl. - High on a mountain peak. - Tavern in the forest. - Sunday yodeling. - Happy in Gotzing. - Green mountain yodeler. - D'Ubermuetige sahn. - Bavarian polka. - De Gumpesel. - Franzi polka. - Am sami si hochzit. - Kissing polka.

Sujet(s)Musique : Suisse : Disques compacts Musique : Autriche : Disques compacts Musique : Allemagne : Disques compacts

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Bibliothèque d'origineBibliothèqueLocalisationUtilisationCoteSituationDate de retour
Saint Didier en VelaySaint Didier en Velayprêt normal9.76 YOD 1en rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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