
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène


Auteur(s)Pink Floyd

Titre(s)Echoes : The Best of / Pink Floyd.

Editeur(s)EMI, P2001.

ContientAstronomy domine. - See Emily play. - The Happiest days of our lives. - Another brick in the wall. - Echoes. - Hey you. - Marooned. - The Great gig in the sky. - Set the controls for the heart of the sun. - Money. - Keep talking. - Sheep Sorrow (CD1). - Shine on you crazy diamond. - Time. - The Fletcher memorial home. - Comfortably numb. - When the tigers broke free. - One of these days. - Us and them. - Learning to fly. - Arnold Layne. - Wish you were here. - Jugband blues. - High hopes. - Bike (CD2).

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
Slide à la main possible dans le tableau
AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Didier en VelayDiscothèque2 PIN 5en rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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