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Frank Sinatra & the Tommy dorsey orchestra

Auteur(s)Sinatra, Frank (1915-1998) (Chant)

Titre(s)Frank Sinatra & the Tommy dorsey orchestra / Frank Sinatra.

Editeur(s)BMG, 1998.

ContientThe sky fell down. - Too romantic. - This is the beginning of the end. - Devil may care. - April played the fiddle. - East of the sun. - Whispering. - Looking for yesterday. - Tell me at midnight. - Shadows on the sand. - You're breaking my heart. - You lucky people, you. - Without a song. - Blue skies. - Violets for your furs. - Poor you. - The night we called it a day. - The lamplighter's serenade. - The song is you. - Night and day.

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Saint Just malmontSaint Just malmontEspace Discothèqueprêt normal2.2 SINen rayon


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