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The essential Volume 2

Auteur(s)Holiday, Billie (1915-1959) (Chant)

Titre(s)The essential Volume 2 / Billie Holiday.

Editeur(s)Demon Music Group, 2003.

ContientYou let me down. - It's like reaching for the moon. - It's too hot for words. - If you were mine. - God bless the child. - I'm gonna lock my heart and throw away the key. - Easy living. - Pennies from heaven. - Ghost of yesterday. - Let's do it. - I hear music. - Body and soul. - More than you know. - Night and day. - Tra'lin' all alone. - Sugar. - Me, myself and i (are all in love with you). - Getting some fun out of life. - Foolin' myself. - A sailboat in the moonlight.

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CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque1.3 HOLen rayon


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