
loire semene 300


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A tribute to abba


Titre(s)A tribute to abba : The essential collection / 1 Abba.

Editeur(s)Demon Music Group, 2006.

ContientCD1. - Thank you for the music. - Dancing Queen. - Fernando. - I have a dream. - Mamma mia. - Waterloo. - Knowing me, knowing you. - Money, money, money. - The name of the game. - Chiquitita. - Take a chance on me. - Day before you came. - Honey honey. - I do i do i do i do i do. - Does your mother know. - Gimme gimme gimme. - CD2. - Voulez vous. - Super trouper. - Ring ring. - Dance (while the music still goes on). - Head over heels. - Happy new year. - Eagle. - Summer night city. - When i kissed the teacher. - Hasta manana. - S.O.S. - Lay all your love on me. - Arrival. - Under attack. - One of us. - The winner takes it all.

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque2.2 ABBen rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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