
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

Greatest Hits Covered

Auteur(s)Pink Floyd

Titre(s)Greatest Hits Covered / 1 Pink Floyd.

Editeur(s)Redline Records, 2010.

ContientCD1. - Is There Anybody. - In The Flesh. - The Happiest Days Of Our Lives. - Another Brick In The Wall. - Echoes. - Hey You. - Run Like Hell. - Waiting For The Worms. - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun. - Money. - The Thin Ice. - Mother. - Empty Spaces. - Don't Leave Me Now. - On The Run. - CD2. - Shine On You Crazy Diamond. - Goodbye Blue Sky. - Comfortably Numb. - Young Lust. - One Of These Days. - Us And Them. - Leaming To Fly. - Vera. - Jugband Blues. - One Of My Turns. - Careful With That Axe Eugene. - The Trial. - Another Brick In The Wall Part II.

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