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Jazz ladies

Auteur(s)Brown, Cleo (1909-1995) (Musicien) ;Thomas, Frantic Fay (Musicien) ;Armstrong, Lil Hardin (1898-1971) (Musicien) ;Davis, Martha (Musicien) ;Lutcher, Nellie (1912-2007) (Musicien) ;Brooks, Hadda (1916-2002) (Musicien) ;Murphy, Rose (1913-1989) (Musicien) ;Carlisle, Una Mae (1915-1956) (Musicien) ;Lee, Julia (Musicien) ;Watson, Paula (Musicien) ;Howard, Camille (1914-1993) (Musicien) ;Dranes, Arizona (Musicien) ;Littlejohn, Ira Mae (Musicien) ;Ward, Clara (Musicien) ;Dardanelle (Musicien) ;Webster, Katie (Musicien) ;Smith, La Vergne (Musicien) ;Johnson, Louise (Musicien) ;Kansas City Kitty (Musicien) ;White, Georgia (1903-1980) (Musicien) ;Spivey, Victoria (1906-1976) (Musicien) ;Dearie, Blossom (1924-2009) (Musicien) ;Southern, Jeri (1926-1991) (Musicien) ;Morris, Audrey (Musicien) ;Horn, Shirley (1934-2005) (Musicien) ;Simone, Nina (1933-2003) (Musicien) ;Chatman, Christine (Musicien) ;Thomas, Lillette (Musicien) ;Martin, Madonna (Musicien) ;Franklin, Aretha (1942-2018) (Musicien)

Titre(s)Jazz ladies : the singing pianists, 1926-1961 [enr. sonore] / Cleo Brown, Frantic Fay Thomas, Lil Hardin Armstrong, Martha Davis, Nellie Lutcher.

ContientHere comes Cookie / Cleo Brown. - The stuff is here and it's mellow / Cleo Brown. - Mama don't want no peas / Cleo Brown. - When Hollywood goes black and tan / Cleo Brown. - Harlem on Saturday night / Lil Hardin Armstrong. - Clip joint / Lil Hardin Armstrong. - Loved walked in / Una Mae Carlisle. - Papa's in bed with his britches on / Una Mae Carlisle. - I met you then, I know you now / Una Mae Carlisle. - I'm a good, good woman / Una Mae Carlisle. - Dream lucky blues / Julia Lee. - Gotta gimme whatcha' got / Julia Lee. - A porter's love song / Julia Lee. - Nobody knows you when you're down and out / Julia Lee. - Pagan love song / Julia Lee. - Pretty papa blues / Paula Watson. - Stick by me baby / Paula Watson. - Thrill me / Camille Howard. - You don't love me / Camille Howard. - Within this heart of mine / Camille Howard. - I'm blue / Camille Howard. - It's all right now / Arizona Dranes. - I want to see Jesus / Ira Mae Littlejohn. - Blessed assurance / Clara Ward. - While the blood runs warm / Aretha Franklin. - Yield not to temptation / Aretha Franklin. - The be bop bounce / Martha Davis. - I'm fer it / Martha Davis. - Cincinnati / Martha Davis. - Kitchen blues / Martha Davis. - Experience / Martha Davis. - Hurry on down / Nellie Lutcher. - Sleepy lagoon / Nellie Lutcher. - Do you or don't you love me / Nellie Lutcher. - Alexander's ragtime band / Nellie Lutcher. - That's a plenty / Nellie Lutcher. - That's my desire / Hadda Brooks. - Trust in me / Hadda Brooks. - I can't give you anything but love / Rose Murphy. - Busy line / Rose Murphy. - Honeysuckle rose / Rose Murphy. - I wanna be loved by you / Rose Murphy. - After you get what you want, you don't want it / Dardanelle. - I lost my sugar in Salt Lake City / Frantic Fay Thomas. - Blues in the night / La Vergne Smith. - One of the road / La Vergne Smith. - Mobile / La Vergne Smith. - On the wall / Louise Johnson. - Double trouble blues / Kansas City Kitty. - If you can't get five / Georgia White. - When you're away / Georgia White. - That man / Victoria Spivey. - Thou swell / Blossom Dearie. - Plus je t'embrasse / Blossom Dearie. - Moonlight saving time / Blossom Dearie. - Just in time / Blossom Dearie. - Someone to watch over me / Blossom Dearie. - Let's fall in love / Jeri Southern. - I don't know where to turn / Jeri Southern. - Good morning heartache / Audrey Morris. - Come in out of the rain / Audrey Morris. - Like someone in love / Shirley Horn. - I thought about you / Shirley Horn. - God bless the child / Shirley Horn. - Day in day out / Shirley Horn. - Makin' whoopee / Shirley Horn. - Mood indigo / Nina Simone. - Don't smoke in bed / Nina Simone. - Love me or leave me / Nina Simone. - Black is the color of my true love's hair / Nina Simone. - I love to love / Nina Simone. - Bootin' the boogie / Christine Chatman. - Boogie-woogie time down South / Lillette Thomas. - Madonna's boogie / Madonna Martin. - Baby come on / Katie Webster. - The Katie Lee / Katie Webster.

RésuméLorsque l'on épluche l'histoire du jazz, la voie royale vers la reconnaissance est souvent, pour les femmes du jazz, celle du vocal. Ensuite viennent les pianistes. Parmi elles, quelques-unes ajoutant le chant à leur palette, ont su s'attirer les faveurs d'un large public. Ouvrant ainsi le chemin à quelques stars d'aujourd'hui. A ces pionnières, pianistes-chanteuses, Jean-Paul Ricard et Jean Buzelin rendent hommage dans cette rétrospective 3 CD.

Sujet(s)Piano, musique de (jazz) : Disques compacts Chanteuses de jazz : Disques compacts

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Saint Didier en VelaySaint Didier en Velayprêt normal1.30 JAZen bibliobus


Source : Wikipédia
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