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Wailing Wailing

Auteur(s)Marley, Bob (1945-1981) (Chant) ;And the Wailers

Titre(s)Wailing Wailing / Bob Marley, And the Wailers.

Editeur(s)Magnum Music, 2001.

ContientRiding High. - Kaya. - African Herbsman. - Stand Alone. - Sun Is Shining. - Brain Washing. - Mr.Brown. - Rebel's Hop. - Four Hundred Years. - Soul Almighty. - Lively Up Yourself. - Small Axe. - Trench Town Rock. - All In One Medley - Bend Down Low.Nice Timel. One Love.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Victor MalescoursAdulte1.63 MARen rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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