Auteur(s)Howard, James Newton (1951-...)
Titre(s)Dinosaur : BO du film de Eric Leighton et Ralph Zondag / James Newton Howard.
Editeur(s)Walt Disney Records, 2000.
ContientInner sanctum ; The Nesting grounds. - The Egg travels. - Aladar & Neera. - The Courtship. - The End of our island. - They're all gone. - Raptors ; Stand together. - Across the desert. - Finding water. - The Cave. - The Carnotaur attack. - Neera rescue the orphans. - Breakout. - It comes with a pool. - Kron & Aladar fight. - Epilogue.
Bibliothèque d'origine | Bibliothèque | Localisation | Utilisation | Cote | Situation | Date de retour |
Saint Didier en Velay | Saint Just malmont | prêt normal | J 6 DIN 1 | en transit |