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Harry Potter an the deathly hallows

Auteur(s)Desplat, Alexandre (1961-...) (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Harry Potter an the deathly hallows = Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort : partie 2 : b.o.f. / Alexandre Desplat, compos.

Editeur(s)Sony Classical, P 2011.

ContientLily's theme. - The Tunnel. - Underworld. - Gringotts. - Dragon flight. - Neville. - A new headmaster. - Panic inside hogwarts. - Statues. - The Grey lady. - In the chamber of secrets. - Battlefield. - The Diadem. - Broomsticks and fire. - Courtyard apocalypse. - Snape's demise. - Severus and lily. - Harry's sacrifice. - The Resurrection stone. - Harry surrenders. - Procession. - Neville the hero. - Showdown. - Voldemort's end. - A new beginning.

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CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque6 HAR 1en rayon


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