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Facts of life

Auteur(s)Richardson, Calvin ;Nesby, Ann

Titre(s)Facts of life [CD] : Soul of Bobby Womack (The) / Calvin Richardson.

Editeur(s)Lille : Sba, P 2009.

ContientAcross 110th street. - You're welcome, stop on by. - Harry Hipppie. - Woman got to have it. - American dream. - Daylight. - That's the way I feel about 'cha. - Love has finally come at last. - I can understand it. - I'm through trying to prove my love to you. - Fact of life ; He'll be there when the sun goes down.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Didier en VelayDiscothèque1.4 RICen rayon


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