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In The Hell Of Patchinko

Auteur(s)Mano Negra

Titre(s)In The Hell Of Patchinko / Mano Negra.

Editeur(s)Virgin Music, 1992.

ContientMano Negra. - Magic Dice. - County Line. - Don't Want You No More. - Lonesome Bop. - Mano Negra 2. - Rock Island Line. - King Kong Five. - Mad Man's Dead. - Bring The Fire. - Indios de Barcelona. - El Sur. - Killing Rats. - Mano Negra 3. - Sidi H' Bibi. - The Rebel Spell. - I Fought The Law. - Mano Negra 4. - Darling Darling. - Patchuko Hop. - Mala Vida. - Junky Beat. - Madeline.

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CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque8.62 MANen rayon


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