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Out of Africa

Auteur(s)Barry, John (1933-2011) ;McNeely, Joel (1959-...) ;Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) ;Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Titre(s)Out of Africa [CD] : b.o du film de Sydney Pollack / John Barry.

Editeur(s)Niort : La Baleine Distribution, 1992.

ContientI had a farm. - Alone on the farm. - Karen and Denys. - Have you got a story for me. - I'm better at hello. - Concerto pour piano en la majeur K 622. - Karen's journey starts. - Karen's journey end. - Karen's return from border. - Karen build a school. - Harvest. - Safari. - Flight over Africa. - Beach at night. - You'll keep me then. - If I knew a song of Africa. - You are karen m'sabu. - Out of Africa.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque6.1 BARen rayon


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