
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène

Le Mécano de la General

Auteur(s)Hisaishi, Joe (1950-...)

Titre(s)Le Mécano de la General = The General / Joe Hisaishi.

Editeur(s)Mk2 Music, 2004.

ContientThe Two loves of Johnnie Gray. - Enlisting. - Abandoned. - A Train as a target. - Love kidnapped. - Facing the moving cannon. - Chase and traps. - A Smoking train. - Manoeuvres around Chattanooga. - The Forest. - Getting together. - A Fragile Load. - The Mighty General. - Train chase I. - Train chase II. - A Train without a master. - The Trapped bridge. - Back to the south. - River side fight. - Finals cannons shoots. - Heroes of the day. - The Ballade of Annabelle and Johnnie.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque6 MEC 1en rayon


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