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Peter Pan

Auteur(s)McNeely, Joel (1959-...) (Compositeur) ;Walt Disney company (Auteur d'oeuvres adaptées)

Titre(s)Peter Pan : Return to Never Land / Joel McNeely, Walt Disney.

Editeur(s)Walt Disney Records, 2002.

ContientDo you believe in magic?. - Main title. - Second star to the right. - The tale of pan. - I'll try. - Jane is kidnapped. - A childhood lost. - Here we go another plan. - Summoning the octopus/Pan saves Jane. - Flight through Never Land. - So to be one of us. - Meet the lost boys. - Now that you're one of us. - Longing for home. - Hook and the lost boys. - Hook deceives Jane. - Jane finds the treasure. - Pan is captured. - I'll try. - Jane saves tink and Pan. - Jane can fly. - Flying home. - Reunion.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDPont SalomonDiscothèqueJ 6.1 MCNsorti14/05/2024


Source : Wikipédia
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